The development will consist of the construction of 16 no. residential dwelling units with a total gross floor area of 2,074.16 sq.m in a five storey residential building (with a maximum building height of 16 metres) with a setback fourth floor penthouse level above a lower ground and basement level to include: (i) 3 no. 1 bed apartments, 1 no. 1 bed with study apartment, 11 no. two-bedroom apartments and 1 no. three-bedroom apartment; (ii) The provision of private terraces/courtyards at lower ground floor and ground floor level and balconies at all upper levels of the building (north, south and west elevations). A private terrace for the penthouse apartment will be provided at fourth floor level and a roof garden at roof level; ((iii) The provision of a single level basement car park with vehicular access via a car lift on the ground floor of the south eastern elevation of the building providing for 13 no. private car parking spaces, 1 no. smart car space, 12 no. cycle parking spaces, water storage, plant and attenuation tank. 6 no. cycle parking spaces are also provided at ground level along the north east boundary. Vehicular access to the car lift entrance is to be provided via existing vehicular access to the Mitchel House apartments from Appian Way; (iv) The removal of a 3.2 metre section of boundary wall and railings along Leeson Street to facilitate the provision to the proposed development with entrance portal feature. The remaining boundary wall and railings along Appian Way and Leeson Street Upper to be retained; (v) The provision of new boundary treatment along the boundary to Mitchel house apartments consisting of 1200mm high stainless steel balustrade; (vi) Temporary construction access to site from Appian Way; (vii) Construction of bicycle and bin store along eastern boundary and associated works to existing boundary wall. (viii) All site development works, hard and soft landscaping and all other ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 24th May 2021 take the free trial here.