Permission for: the development will consist of the amendment of previous permission (reg. Ref: d17a/0868 & abp-301128-18) as follows: replacement of a permitted terrace of 10 two storey houses (units 9-18) comprising 4 x 3-bed and 6 x 4-bed houses located towards the southern boundary of the site with 16 duplex apartment units comprising 8 x 1-bed units (66. 4m2) at ground floor and 8 x 2-bed units (gfa 122. 3m2) at first and second floors. South facing private amenity space is provided at ground floor for the 1-bed apartments and balconies at first floor level for each 2-bedroom apartment. Due to the extent of fire damage, the demolition and rebuilding of no. 19 watson road to the same design as approved, the extant permission permitted renovation. A substation and switchroom is proposed to the west of the site. The development will also include two cycle stores, two bin stores, minor alterations and all other associated works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2020-02-25 take the free trial here.