The development will consist of a part single-storey, part three-storey extension (c. 3,307 m2) to the existing school building (Protected Structure) to replace the previous 2-storey extension to the north-east of the application site which was destroyed by fire damage. The proposed extension will connect to the eastern elevation of the Protected Structure at the ground and first floor levels and will accommodate 11 no. classrooms and ancillary teacher and pupil facilities and a 2 no. classroom SNU unit with ancillary teacher and pupil facilities. The development will include the demolition of (i) the existing two-storey link building/entrance lobby (c. 111 m2) connected to the eastern elevation of the Protected Structure; (ii) the existing detached, single-storey building (c. 97 m2) adjacent to the eastern elevation of the Protected Structure; (iii) the existing part single-storey, part 2-storey wood work building (c. 377 m2) adjacent to the south-western site boundary ; and (iv) a single storey storage building (c. 72 m2) adjacent to the north-eastern site boundary. The development will also include the removal of 7 no. existing pre-fabricated structures (c. 906 m2) generally located to west of the Protected Structure and within the central/southern portion of the site. The proposed development will also include 1 no. single storage building (c. 90 m2) adjacent to the north-eastern site boundary; the demolition of the existing entrance gate and boundary wall at the eastern site boundary at Fair Street and its replacement with a new set back entrance gate and boundary treatment including school signage; the widening of the existing vehicular entrance to the site at the southern site boundary, including reinstatement works to the existing boundary wall and pillars; 29 no. car parking spaces, including 4 no. universal access parking spaces; school signage; photovoltaic panels at roof level; piped infrastructure and ducting, including the diversion of existing site services; 1 no. attenuation tank; changes in level; site landscaping; revised internal vehicular and pedestrian connections; boundary treatments; bicycle parking; and, all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. No changes are proposed to the existing gym, science lab and art buildings within the application site on foot of this planning application.
To find out more details on this School Development in Cork Applied for on 2019-09-26 take the free trial here.