PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: The proposed demolition of the following buildings within the Meath Campus (all former healthcare use currently vacant): Building 1: 2 storey 4-bay 19th Century cut stone and brick rear return of existing West Wing (approx 475sqm); Building 2: 2 storey 5-bay late 20th century flat roof, rendered building (485sqm); Buildings 3, 4: Single storey late 20th century flat roof rendered extensions adjoining the existing Collier Dispensary (45sqm and 115sqm) Building 5-9 inclusive: Single storey late 20th century flat roof rendered buildings/ extensions 5 (97sqm), 6 (76sqm), 7(180sqm), 8(46sqm), 9 (20sqm). Building 10: Various 20th century extensions (at ground floor and upper levels) to the original 19th century former hospital Protected Structure to re-instate the original form of the building. Extension 10A: Ground floor 19th Century stone clad extension (47sqm) Extension 10B: First floor late 20th Century rendered, second, third and fo
To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Dublin Started on 9th September 2014 take the free trial here.