Modifications to planning permission 16/05342. The amended development involves nineteen of the permitted dwellings and consists of:
1. Alterations to the design of the two detached house type c2 dwellings.
2. A proposed new detached house type c3.
3. The removal of the six house type b semi-detached dwellings and their replacement with four detached house type c3 dwellings. This reduces the overall number of dwellings proposed to 48 from the 50 originally permitted under 16/05342.
4. The removal of nine of the permitted detached house type c1 dwellings and their replacement with nine new detached house type c3 dwellings.
5. Four semi-detached type a1 dwellings as previously permitted.
6. Modifications to the road layout and the open space area.
7. The omission of the wastewater pumping station within the development site.
8. The omission of a wastewater rising main extending eastward within the r608 model farm road.
9. The connection of the gravity waste water collection system to a foul sewer discharging to a wastewater pumping station permitted as part of planning permission 15/6117 (steeplewoods) on lands owned by the applicant to the west of the original site boundary.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 17th December 2018 take the free trial here.