The provision of 25 no. Houses, to replace 20 no. Houses and 16 no. Duplex units, as a modification of a previously permitted planning permission under reg. Ref. 06/1577, as extended by reg. Ref. 12/7132 and 18/7001; 08/1330 as extended by 13/7022; and reg. Ref. 08/2346, as extended by 13/7023.
These 25 no. Proposed dwellings comprise of 2 no. Type a, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 159sqm; 2 no. Type a1, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 155sqm; 2 no. Type b1, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 145sqm; 2 no. Type b2 , 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings of 118sqm; 2 no. Type b3, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 139sqm; 1 no type b4, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 139sqm; 8 no type d, 2 storey 4 bedroom dwellings of 132sqm; and 6 no. Type l, 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings of 108sqm. The proposed dwellings will each have 2 no. off street car parking spaces and all associated works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Limerick Granted permission on 2018-08-15 take the free trial here.