Partial demolition of a wall along john street as well as a small lean-to-shed (12m2) to facilitate access and construction and the construction of 39 no. Two and three storey residential units, comprising 2 no. Two storey 2 bed houses, 13 no. Two storey 3 bed houses, 12 no. Two storey 3 bed duplex over ground floor apartments and 12 no. One storey 2 bed ground floor apartment with duplex over. The development also includes the provision of 37 no. Car parking spaces for residents and 18 visitor car parking spaces. The development also includes 40 no. Cycle parking spaces, bin storage, pedestrian crossing, internal roads, drainage, boundary treatments, landscaping and public open space and all ancillary site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kerry Applied for on 2021-05-28 take the free trial here.