The demolition of an existing 2-storey detached dwelling & ancillary structures, including fencing, gates, & part of the existing front boundary walls; removal of existing signage; extensions to the main plant & warehouse building, to include: part single-storey/part 2-storey tank room/storage area, with upper floor laboratory/MCC room & lobby, to the south-western elevation; new door, part single-storey processing plant area, & 2-storey loading docks/office, to the southern elevation; new first floor processing/plant area to existing internal processing area; & new single-storey extension/infill to the existing internal open loading bay area, including increase in roof height. The proposed development will also consist of a single-storey extension to the existing chill water plant; signage: 5 no. car parking spaces; new doors/fire doors/roller shutter doors; 5 no. new storage vessels & associated pipe bridge; 10 no. existing storage vessels to be replaced & increased i
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Cork Granted permission on 2018-09-10 take the free trial here.