Revisions to previously permitted development Reg. Ref. F11A/0386 (An Bord Pleanála Ref. PL06F.240057). Amendments relate to 30 of the 40 houses in the Phase 2 (7.2 acre portion) of the permitted development now known as Hazelbrook. Amendments proposed are for alterations to the house type mix replacing 6 no. Type A two storey four bed units. 3 no. Type B1 1.5 storey four bed units, 2 no. Type B2 two storey four bed units, 6 no. Type B3 1.5 storey four bed units, 1 no. Type B4 two storey four bed unit, 4 no. Type C3 two storey three bed units, 8 no. Type C4 two storey three bed units, for a new arrangement comprising 6 no. Type B5 four bed dormer units, 4 no. Type B6 four bed dormer units, 5 no. Type C5 two storey four bed units, 3 no. Type C6 two storey four bed units, 10 no. Type E2 two storey four bed units, 2 no. Type F two storey four bed units. The amendments also propose a minor change to a portion of the existing 7m access road from Kinsealy Lane which was constructed under planning F06A/1728 to allow for interface connection to the proposed new 6m internal access road serving the development, plus minor changes to the drainage/attenuation layout and turning head arrangement in the open space area located at the northern portion of subject site and including all associated site development/public utility services works.

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