The proposed development includes internal and external alterations to the building. Internal alterations comprise the reconfiguration of the basement level to include works of conversion of existing storage and plant areas to provide 198 secure cycle parking spaces and ancillary staff facilities in the form of showers and changing rooms. No changes are proposed to the layout or number of existing car parking spaces at basement level.

Other internal alterations include the removal of internal walls and partitioning at the ground to fourth-floor levels, including the reconfiguration of internal stair-/lift cores together with the refurbishment of existing office floorspace at the ground to fourth-floor level. External alterations include the removal of existing roof-top plant and the provision of a new fifth-floor roof extension to provide an additional 3,245 sq.m (GFA) of office floorspace (GFA).

A north facing roof terrace at the eastern end of the proposed roof extension is also provided. Open rooftop plant areas with associated plant screening that measure approximately 2.4m in height (above rooftop level) is provided along with Photo Voltaic (PV) panels and green roofed area. External alterations to the elevations include the retention and refurbishment/ repair of existing precast spandrel panels and replacement of all existing glazing with new curtain wall glazing system and associated new window cills and flashings throughout.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-09-25 take the free trial here.

The Former Aib Bank Centre (Comprising Blocks E, F, G & H)

Plans Granted

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