David Carson of Deloitte, Statutory Receiver of Danninger Unlimited Company (In Receivership & Liquidation), intends to apply for planning permission for development at a site of c. 0.842 hectares bound by Mayor Street Upper to the south, Castleforbes Road to the east, Northbank House and Alexander Terrace to the north and undeveloped land to the west, Block 3, North Lotts, Dublin 1. The site bounds the Pelko building which fronts onto Castleforbes Road and includes the access route south of Northbank House and Alexander Terrace.
The development consists of the following:

1. The provision of 3 no. commercial blocks as follows:
a. Block 3E – 11,865 sq.m. GFA of commercial space with a retail/cafe/ restaurant unit (115 sq.m. GFA) at ground floor to Mayor Street Upper with part 6, part 5 storeys. The six-storey element has frontage to Mayor Street Upper and the five storey element has frontage to the permitted public park. A terrace is proposed at fifth floor to the north;

b. Block 3F – 23,340 sq.m. GFA of commercial space with frontage to Mayor Street Upper and Castleforbes Road, with part 6, part 5 storeys. The six storey element has frontage to Mayor Street Upper and Castleforbes Road and the five storey element has frontage to the permitted public park and the east west street within the city block. A terrace is proposed at fifth floor to the north and west. Two retail/cafe/restaurant units are proposed. One of 215 sq.m. GFA is located at the corner of Castleforbes Road and Mayor Street Upper. The second of 175 sq. GFA is located along the new north south street between Blocks 3E and 3F orientated along the new street with frontage to Mayor Street Upper;

c. A two-level basement is proposed which is below Block 3E and 3F of 7,535 sq.m. GFA. The basement levels provides 90 car parking spaces and 450 bicycle parking spaces and associated facilities. At -1 level, office space is provided of 3,390 sq.m. GFA. The basements also include plant and services;

d. Block 3G – 940 sq.m. GFA of commercial space with five storeys which fronts onto Castleforbes Road and the access route south of Northbank House and Alexander Terrace. This includes a retail/cafe/restaurant/class 2 office/own door office (Class 3) unit (135 sq.m. GFA) at ground floor with office over.

2. Vehicular and bicycle access to basement car park is from the street south of Northbank House and Alexander Terrace accessed off Castleforbes Road. A further 50 no. bicycle parking spaces are provided at ground level.

3. The development includes the construction of a new north-south street between Blocks 3E and 3F. The development also consists of revisions to the landscaping to the southern part of the park and to the eastern side of the north-south street west of Block 3E permitted under DSDZ3357/17.

4. Revision to the east-west route south of Northbank House and Alexander Terrace including footpaths and set down area;

5. All hard and soft landscaping works including integration with and minor revisions to the permitted public park (DSDZ3357/17 refers).

6. Upgrade to the footpaths to Mayor Street Upper and Castleforbes Road;

7. Development to include all site development, boundary treatment, landscaping, roof plant, PV panels, substations, service provision and ancillary works.

8. The overall development comprises of 43,445 sq.m. GFA. The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-05-08 take the free trial here.

A Site Of C.0.842 Hectares Bound By Mayor Street Upper To The South

Plans Granted

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