(a) provision of 43 no. Residential units comprising; 23 no. Two storey units and a three storey block comprising 20 no. Units. The unit mix comprises; 3 no. 1 bedroom units; 19 no. 2 bedroom units; 17 no. 3 bedroom units and 4 no. 4 bedroom units. The dwelling types comprise: 17 no. Houses and 26 no. Apartments / duplexes;
(b) new access road to the site from the condell road, realignment of the condell road to facilitate new junction; pedestrian and cycle crossing at the new entrance; new roads, footpaths and turning spaces within the site; 83 no. Car parking spaces;
(c) hard landscaping including; bin stores, privacy strips to front gardens, rear garden walls and installation of street lighting;
(d) soft landscaping including planting and trees;
(e) construction of and / or remedial works to boundaries with adjacent sites;
(f) construction of new watermain, new foul sewer connection, storm sewer, and surface water drainage systems;
(g) all associated site works.