6 no 2 storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellings
Type 6a 1 no. 2 stories detached 4 bedroom dwelling
Type 6b 4 no 2 storey semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellings
Type 6c 2 storey apartment building comprising of 12 no apartments, 1 and 2 bedroom units and ancillary communal open space 2 storey building comprising 391 sqm of community room area together with communal open space 2 storey creche building.
The above refers to previously granted planning permission ref 06/6101 (pl27. 227704), all the above together with all ancillary site works necessary to complete the development including parking and public open space
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow take the free trial here.