Permission for development at this site located at 47 47b 49 51 & 53 Keeper Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 (and extending to the laneway at the rear of said properties).The development will consist of the following: Demolition of existing commercial units and ancillary buildings (1-2 storey) (c.1,675 sq.m in total) and the construction of a 5 to 6 storey, mixed use development including 53 no. apartments (26 no. 1-beds and 27 no. 2- beds). All units provided with private balconies facing north/south/east/west. Provision of a creche (with courtyard play area) (c.175 sq.m), retail unit (c.90 sq.m). 15 no. car parking spaces (undercroft to be accessed from laneway to the east off the site), cycle parking spaces, landscaped open spaces/roof gardens, bin storage, ESB substation, plant rooms, and ancillary areas. All associated site development, landscaping, boundary treatment works and services provision.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-03-25 take the free trial here.