The project consists of the following general scope of works. • Building Works 1. Removal of low level concrete nib within existing MV/LV switchroom. 2. Civil works (associated with installation of earth electrodes). 3. Builders attendances to electrical services. 4. Fire stopping. 5. Roof access for lightning protection installation. 6. Underground chamber access for installation of underground wiring. • Electrical works 1. Containment within existing Transformer room – Cable ladder, tray and cleats. 2. Containment within existing Switchroom – Cable ladder, tray and cleats. 3. Supply and install LV mains cabling between Transformer A and existing LV switchboard. Transformer B cables to be installed at the same time, see further. Cables to be dressed down. 4. Provide back-up Generator for standby coverage, for transfer between existing Transformer and new Transformer A. Note: Contractor to allow for week-end works and Generator fuel to cover down-time of “normal” supply. 5. Testing and commissioning of LV cabling and putting the new Transformer A into services – MV specialists shall be in attendance. 6. Disconnect MV cabling from existing transformer and existing MV switchboard, make safe and remove from site including removal from U/G ducts. 7. Disconnect LV cabling from existing transformer and existing LV switchboard, make safe and remove from site including removal of all redundant cables including transformer control cabling. 8. Remove existing transformer from site and deliver to remote location (location to be agreed, for tender purposes, within County Galway). 9. Supply and install LV main cabling between Transformer B and new Main LV interposing switchboard. 10. Contractor to put in place the new (free issue) Main LV interposing switchboard. Note: The new LV switchboard shall be free issue by the HSE/Hospital. This has been procured in advance due to long lead in time. The contractor shall liaise directly with the board manufacturer (Central Switchgear) including off-loading and putting switchboard in place. 11. Terminate the new LV cabling connecting the new Main LV switchboard to nominated transformer. 12. Test and commission the new LV switchboard (Site Assembly Test). 13. Supply and install two sets of cabling between the new LV switchboard and the existing LV switchboard. 14. Transfer supply from existing board to new Main LV switchboard. 15. Adjust settings on existing LV switchboard main incoming breakers and spare input breaker. 16. Test existing power factor correction for correct operation. 17. Provide new generators controls and test in accordance with agreed generator control philosophy. 18. Provide 2No. new GU10 / EGIP panels to cover both A + B supplies. 19. Remove/modify existing Generator controls as required to suit new Generator control philosophy. 20. Provide new generator cabling from generator to new LV switchboard. 21. Upgrade / recommission existing Generator from 1.65MVA to 1.8MVA. 22. Temporary standby generator to be provided whilst existing standby generator is off-line for above works. 23. Remove existing surge protection equipment associated with the existing LV switchboard as the new switchboard will contain this. 24. Earthing a. Provide new earth terminal adjacent to new lv switchboard connected to new earth electrode via main earthing cabling. b. Remove existing neutralizing link and earth electrode from the existing lv switchboard. 25. Providing Lightning protection (direct) to level IV protection. 26. BMS a. All meters shall be connected to the onsite BMS system, and shall have the facility to connect to the remote OPW monitoring system. 27. Provide spare breakers as listed further in specification for maintenance purposes. Provide cabinet and trolley for storage of these breakers.
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