The proposed works entail upgrading of the general electrical installation within the entire school, to include:

– New main and sub electrical switchgear,
– Re-wiring of the entire general and emergency lighting schemes within the entire school,
– Re-wiring of small power outlets within the entire school,
– New fire detection and alarm system to comply with IS 3218:2013 + A1:2019,
– General tidy up of the ITC systems where existing cabling system will be carried on tray containment,
– General tidy up of communication and security systems,
– Bonding of the building structure and extraneous metals,
– Re-wiring of supplies to mechanical plant equipment.

The works also entail the removal of existing ceilings in areas shown and the replacing with new, as specified. The disposal off-site of existing ceilings, complete, shall be allowed for by this Contractor. Testing, commissioning and setting to work the complete electrical services package.

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Scoil Mhuire


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