Coolpowra Flexgen Limited intend to apply for permission for development of a grid connected Energy Storage System (ESS) facility designed to provide electricity system support services to the 400kV High Voltage (HV) electricity grid (Oldstreet node) at Coolpowra, Cooldorragha, Coolnageeragh, Ballynaheskeragh, Gortlusky and Sheeaunrush, County Galway. The proposed ESS facility includes (1) a Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) facility contained within a secure outdoor compound (area of 34,855sqm), (2) a Synchronous Condenser (SC) positioned within a building and located within a second secure outdoor compound (area of 9,716sqm) on lands to the south of the LDES facility, and (3) demolition and removal of an existing dwelling, outhouses and agricultural sheds. The LDES facility comprises: (i) an open area battery energy storage system containing 168no. single storey battery enclosures and 56no. single storey medium voltage power station (MVPS) enclosures, (ii) IPP building, (iii) firewater storage tank, (iv) lightning masts and (v) electrical plant and bunded transformer. The SC facility comprises (i) a SC building, (ii) externally located cooling fans, (iii) firewater storage tank, (iv) lightning masts, (v) ESB rural supply compound, and (vi) bunded transformers and electrical plant. Both the LDES and SC facilities will electrically connect to the 400kV electricity grid using HV underground cables which will route from the respective LDES and SC compounds to a proposed Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) substation located adjacent to the ESS development. The proposed GIS associated HV cables and electric plant are the subject of a separate and concurrent strategic infrastructure development (SID) planning application to An Bord Pleanála under Section 182A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The proposed ESS development includes a temporary construction compound, a main entrance connecting to the L8763 public road, improvement works to the L8763 and the junction of the N65/L8763 public roads and all ancillary development including new internal roads, fencing and gates, car parking, lighting, utilities, lightning protection masts, underground services, landscaping and associated engineering works to provide for the connection of site services and foul and surface water management and drainage.

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