07/10/2024 – Confirmation of Executive funding for the Enniskillen Bypass will allow the scheme to proceed to construction as planned in 2025.

The proposed Enniskillen bypass will provide a new transport link to the southern side of the town, improving the connection between the A4 Dublin Road and the A4 Sligo Road, which will include the following:

•Construction of 2.1km single carriageway with overtaking lanes provided at each end of the new road;

•Construction of two roundabouts at the Dublin Road and Derrylin Road;

•Construction of two new river bridges over the River Erne and River Sillees;

•Provision of a 3.5m cycleway / footway along the full length of the Bypass and extending along the Dublin Road and Derrylin Road to connect into existing non-motorised user infrastructure; and

•Enhancement of non-motorised user facilities to include the provision of a Puffin crossing on the Derrylin Road

In addition, there are a number of scheme specific objectives which also assist in meeting the strategic guidance. These are to:
•Provide a strategic link for traffic wishing to bypass Enniskillen Town Centre;

•Reduce town centre congestion and enhance the town centre environment;

•Improve journey times and reliability;

•Improve road safety for all road users;

•Provide a good return on investment; and

•Respect and maintain the environment in the area surrounding the bypass.

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A4 Dublin Road to


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