PERMISSION:The proposed development will consist of the following elements: 1.Demolition of two storage buildings and demolition of four oil tanks within the bunded area of the NORA Ringsend oil farm 2.Construction/installation of an Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) generating unit and associated plant and equipment, comprising the following main components: ? Gas Turbine Air Intake (approx. 24m L x 18m W x 26m H) ? Generator Enclosure (approx. 24m L x 18m W x 14.5m H) ? Gas turbine enclosure including Gas Turbine auxiliaries and loading/ rotor turning area (approx. 53m L x 15m W x 26m H) ? Exhaust Diffuser (approx. 14.5m L x 10.4m W x 10.5m H) ? An exhaust stack 40m in height (approx. 8.0m diameter and 40m H) ?Gas Turbine Power Control and Electrical Control & Instrumentation(C&I) Module (approx.24m L x 18m W x 10m H) ?10 No. Fin Fan Coolers (approx. 45m L x 12.7 m W x 8m H) ?Main Transformer (approx. 12.2 m L x7.5m W x 9.3 m H) ? Main Transformer Bund including 3no blast walls (approx. 19.3 m L x 18.9 m W x 12m H) ?Auxiliary Transformer (approx. 4.7m L x 4.0m W x 6.9m H) ? Auxiliary Transformer Bund including 2no blast walls (approx.8.9m L x 8.5m W x 12m H) ? Demineralised Water Treatment Plant (approx. 20m L x 10m W x 5.4m H) ? Demineralised Water Tank (approx. 22.2m diameter and 14.7m H) ? Water Supply / Gas Supply Rack (approx. 89.8m L x 102m W x 7m H) ?Raw/Fire Water Tank (approx. 15.2m diameter and 14.7m H) ? Fuel Oil Forwarding Pumps (approx. 10m L x 4m W x 5m H) ?Combined Fire Fighting and Demin Water Forwarding Pumphouse (approx. 12m L x 5m W x 5.4m H) ? 1No <1MW thermal output emergency diesel generator-250KWe (approx. 10m L x 4m W x 5m H) ? Generator Circuit Breaker (approx. 8.8m L x 5.1m W x 4m H) ?Gas Conditioning Compound (approx. 33.4m L x 25.3m W x 3.6m H), which includes: Gas Compressor and Auxiliaries Building (approx. 24m L x 7.5m W x 5m H) Gas Compressor Reducing Building (approx. 8m L x 6m W x 6m H) Gas Compressor Cooler (approx. 7m L

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Dublin Granted permission on 13th February 2024 take the free trial here.

Adjacent To The Dublin Bay Power Generating Station

Plans Granted

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