(1) A 10-year permission for the development of a long duration energy storage (ldes) compound with a total surface area of c.2.9ha containing 248no. Battery energy storage units in the form of metal shipping containers [approximately 12.2m (l) x 2.6m (w) and 2.9m (h) each] And associated ancillary control and ventilation equipment
(2) Installation of an onsite transformer compound (c.3,600sq m) to facilitate an under-the fence connection to the adjacent trillick 110kv substation. The transformer compound will include a control building of c.27sq m, a 110 kv transformer, associated electrical equipment, and an up to 18m high lightning protection monopole mast
(3) A temporary construction compound with a total surface area of c.1,500sq m. C.515m of new and upgraded access tracks 3no. Entrances from the l-7231 public road comprising the upgrade of 1no. Existing entrance and creation of 1no. New permanent access and 1no. New temporary access for the construction and operation of the facility
(4) Underground electrical and communications cabling between the proposed ldes compound and the proposed on-site transformer compound which will cross under the l-7231 public road
(5) Security lighting
(6) Pole mounted cctv and communications mast
(7) On-site freshwater storage tank including fresh water treatment unit in the form of a metal shipping container
(8) On-site drainage system and associated vegetated attenuation pond
(9) A storage container in the form of a metal shipping container
(10) Sound reflective barriers to a height of 4m
(11) Security fencing and gates and all associated ancillary site development, services and clearance works including tree felling of c.4.7ha of conifer plantation landscaping and planting. The proposed ldes facility will be operational for a period of 30 years.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Donegal Granted permission on 15th November 2024 take the free trial here.