Proposed development which will consist of gas network infrastructure including a permanent above ground pigging compound. This will include (i) Above and below ground pipework
(ii) 19.1m x 14m x 2.4m high security fencing
(iii) Internal concrete road pavement and gravelled areas
(iv) Vehicular access to Kilbrennan Road (L1127) and
(v) All associated site development works including; construction works, surface water drainage and landscaping features. The development relates to the concurrent application to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) under Section 39A of the Gas Act 1976, as amended, for an underground gas transmission pipeline (known as the Kiltotan Pipeline). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report has been prepared with respect to the project and will be submitted with the application.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Westmeath take the free trial here.