Glengad Pier is an active fishing pier, situated in Portaleen, North Donegal near the town of Culdaff. This tender pertains to the repair and renovation of the quay at Glengad Pier and addresses the refurbishment of the quay wall, slipway and surface of the quay and the supply and installation of associated ancillaries. The repair proposed to the quay wall is to provide a new facing wall, 850mm thick, in concrete construction to the quay on south (main quay) face. This will be tied in at the top to a new concrete deck slab over part of the quay and at the bottom supported on a precast box caisson infilled with concrete supported off the rock below and keyed into the rock with steel posts. On the south face this new wall will extend from the base of the existing slip to the east corner of the quay. West of the end of the slip the new wall will reduce to 400m thick. On the east (end) face a new 850 thick concrete wall will be provided below low water and this will extend up to the top of the quay at a reduced thickness above that. The repair proposed to the slipway is to over-slab the existing surface with a new 150mm thick concrete slab. At the lower end, the slipway will be extended by 1-2m to compensate for the raising the end by 150mm with the new slab. The outer face of the slip will be extended 850mm to form a new edge beam to prevent further erosion.
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