The development will consist / consists of:- Upgrade works for the Gowran Regional Water Supply Scheme consisting of: – Development of two existing boreholes (Boreholes BHA1 and BH TW2) and the drilling and development of one new borehole (Borehole BHA2) and associated infrastructure and siteworks as raw water source boreholes. – Construction of a new 1,500 m3/day (cubic metres per day) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and all associated site works including site drainage, site access road, hardstanding areas, car parking, footpaths, lighting, landscaping and palisade security fencing at a site north of Gowran village on the western side of the R448. The new WTP will include a new Water Treatment Plant Building (consisting of an Office and Control Room, Changing Room, External Storage Room, Treated Water Pumping Room and Chemical Dosing Facilities), Underground Holding Tank for the storage of waste flows and two new Treated Water Storage Tanks (TWSTs), each with a water holding capacity of 660m3.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 9th September 2019 take the free trial here.

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Plans Granted

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