Permission for an extension to the existing Berth 3, the replacement of the existing linkspan at Berth 3 with a new linkspan and support structures, and the demolition and removal of the existing Berth 4 linkspan within Rosslare Europort. The development will consist of (i) extension of the existing berth (including bollards and fenders): (ii) provision of a new double deck linkspan and supporting structures and onshore approach ramp to the upper deck of the linkspan; (iii) upgrade of the existing mooring and fendering on the existing berth; (iv) re-surfacing works to provide new quayside working areas; and (v) all associated site works and ancillary development including dismantling and demolition of existing structures including linkspans, wingwall, elevated walkway, and bank seat. A natura impact statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

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