For works to upgrade the Virginia Wastewater Treatment Plant off the N3 in the townland of Rathardum and Terminal Pumping Station off New Street, in the townland of Virginia, Virginia, Co. Cavan. The proposed development comprises upgrade works to the existing terminal pumping station (TPS) site and waste water treatment plant (WWTP) site. The development at the WWTP site will consist of:
1) provision of inlet works;
2) provision of a control storm water overflow chamber;
3) provision of stormwater storage tank;
4) provision of Dual function Overflow outfall to Lough Ramor to replace existing (to be decommissioned) SWO outfall at the TPS;
5) provision of tertiary treatment system (tanks and filter) with all associated ancillary works;
6) provision of 4 no. buildings for operating equipment;
7) provision of wash water recycle system to clean equipment;
8) provision of outfall pump station;
9) demolition of existing sludge tank and replacement with sludge thickening unit and sludge holding tank;
10) provision of biological treatment tank;
11) provision of below ground pump chambers and process drainage sumps;
12) provision of odour control unit and above ground duct work;
13) provision of back-up generator with bunded diesel tank;
14) provision of an ESB substation;
15) provision for internal hardstanding accessways; and
16) ancillary and associated development including removal of existing trees and vegetation on the site, and replacement tree planting, minor structural alterations to existing tanks, and mechanical and electrical service connections.

The development at the TPS site will consist of:
1) demolition and replacement of existing foul pump sump;
2) provision of additional rising main across the River Blackwater to the WWTP; 3) decommissioning of the existing stormwater overflow;
3) repurposing the existing stormwater settlement tank as emergency storage tank, with minor demolition works and increased height of tank;
4) mass fill to raise floor levels of inlet chambers;
5) provision of high level emergency overflow to River Blackwater;
6) replacement of existing boundary palisade fence with new boundary wall along the north, west and south boundary of the TPS, and a fence along the river edge on the eastern boundary. The site will be extended to the north-west;
7) upgrade to existing site entrances;
8) provision of 3 no. kiosks for operating equipment and welfare facilities;
9) provision of odour control unit and above ground duct work; and
10) ancillary and associated development including pipework, valves, gantry, railings, access stairs, site lighting and localised service diversions, provision of a paved area within the site boundary, removal of existing trees and vegetation on the site, and mechanical and electrical service connections and upgrades. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Cavan Started on 17th October 2024 take the free trial here.

Virginia Wastewater Treatment Plant & Terminal Pumping Station


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