21 May 2024
Construction of a Lime Dosing Building at Macroom WWTP, Cork

14 Feb 2024
Construction of a control building at Macroom waste water treatment plant, Co. Cork.

1. Construction of a new storm overflow and flow splitting chamber, inlet works including grit removal system and full flow to treatment pumping station, 2 No. new integrated fixed-film activated sludge reactor tanks (Aeration Tanks), 2 No. final settlement tanks final water sampling manhole while retaining the existing outfall to the River Sullane return and waste activated sludge pumping stations, chemical building including lime and ferric sulphate dosing systems with bunded chemical storage tanks, 1 No. storm water storage tank equipped with storm water pumps, 1 no. sludge picket fence thickener, odour control system, a sheet pile flood protection wall within the site boundary, boundary treatments include a weld mesh security fence, new internal access Road and public lighting.
2. Construction of a new control and administration building. 3.Decommissioning of the existing wastewater treatment plant, equipment and associated structures as part of the upgrade works.
4. Construction of a 42 kWp photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on ground mounted frames on the north western area of the site. The PV panel shall be used to supplement the energy demands of the proposed WwTP and will be arranged with a panel area of 185sqm approximately.
5. Establishment of a designated area to be utilized by Cork County Council Roads Department and construction of a new entrance point.
6. All associated site development works above and below ground. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Cork Started on 14th February 2024 take the free trial here.

Wastewater Treatment Plant (Wwtp)


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