18 Nov 2024: Permission for a ten year development for: (i) The construction of 5 no. wind turbines with the following parameters: a) Total tip height range of 179.5m – 180m, b) Rotor diameter range of 149m – 163m, c) Hub height range of 98m to 105m, (ii) Construction of turbine foundations, crane hardstand areas and assembly areas; (iii) All associated wind farm underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines and meteorological mast to the proposed onsite electrical substation including cabling. in the public road corridor in the townlands of Gallstown and Kearneystown; (iv) Construction of 1 no. permanent 38kV electrical substation compound including a single-storey control building with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and equipment, security fencing, gates, all associated underground cabling, wastewater holding tank, and all ancillary structures and works in the townland of Piperstown. (v) A Battery Energy Storage System within the 38kV electrical substation compound; (vi) All works associated with the connection of the proposed wind farm to the national electricity grid which includes 5 no. of water crossings (3 no. bridges and 2 no. culverts). The provision of joint bays and associated communication chambers along the underground electrical cabling route via underground 38kV electrical cabling predominantly within the public road corridor, from the onsite substation in the townland of Piperstown to the existing Drybridge 110 kV Substation located in the townland of Tullyallen; (vii) Reinstatement of all road and track surfaces above cabling trench along existing roads and tracks in public lands; (viii) Provision of new site access tracks and upgrade of existing site tracks/roads to facilitate access to all onsite infrastructure this includes 3 no. water crossings, passing bays and all associated drainage; (ix) The provision of 2 no. new permanent site entrances for construction and operational access from the local road L6274 in the townlands of Kearneystown and Gallstown; (x) The permanent realignment of 1 no. existing entrance for construction and operational access to the 38kV electrical substation compound from the local road L2275 in the townland of Piperstown; (xi) Use of 1 no. existing site entrance for construction, operational access to the permanent met mast on a private road off local road L2275 in the townland of Drumshallon. (xii) The construction of 1 no. new temporary track in the townland of Castletown at the R162 / L-6274-0 Junction to facilitate the delivery of the turbine components during construction. This track will be temporarily reinstalled as required during the operational phase; (xiii) 3 no. temporary construction compounds with associated temporary offices, staff facilities parking and security fencing in the townlands of Gallstown, Piperstown and Stonehouse; (xiv) 1 no. permanent meteorological mast of c.36m in height, and associated foundation and hard-standing area in the townland of Drumshallon; (xv) The provision of 2 no. permanent spoil storage areas; (xvi) Tree felling to facilitate the construction and operation of the proposed development; (xvii) Operational stage site signage; (xviii) All ancillary apparatus and site development works above and below ground, including soft and hard landscaping and drainage infrastructure. A 10-year planning permission and 35-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm is being sought. A design flexibility opinion issued by Louth County Council on 5th June 2024 accompanies this application. The details which are unconfirmed in this application are the turbine tip height, rotor diameter and hub height. The range of parameters under which the turbine dimensions will fall are specified on this site notice and in the design flexibility opinion. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted to the planning authority with the application

19 Oct 2022: Plans have been announced to develop a 50 megawatt wind farm with up to eight wind turbines.

The project team is currently gathering wind data and mapping the environmental constraints on site which will be used to create a preliminary wind turbine layout. Detailed environmental studies will also be carried out at the site, including ecology, noise, landscape and visual assessments. The results of these studies, together with feedback gathered in consultation with local communities, will be used to determine the final wind farm layout and number of turbines.

EDF Renewables Ireland intends to submit a planning application and an Environmental Impact Assessment Report in support of the project, which could consist of up to eight turbines, in late 2023.

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