Permission for development, consisting of: Construction of an electrical infrastructure installation and associated underground grid connection (UGC) on lands within the townland of Great Island measuring approximately 2.6Ha. in overall area. The installation will consist of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), a 38kV tail-fed substation, underground grid connection (UGC) to connect to the proposed substation to an existing ESB substation at Campile and associated ancillary development. The BESS would comprise 16no. individual battery storage units on concrete foundations, each unit measuring 2.60m in overall height, 2.4m in width and 6.00m in overall length with heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) units; The 38kV substation compound would consist of a 38kV transformer; diesel generator; house transformer; disconnect; individual current and voltage transformers; combined current/voltage transformer; surge arrestors; circuit breakers; cable sealing end; substation building with an overall footprint of 95.00sqm; a blastwall measuring 8.00m in overall height; 2no. lightning masts measuring 18.00m in overall height; palisade fencing measuring 2.60m in overall height; pole-mounted security cameras and lamp posts. The UGC installation would consist of 1 no. trench (0.6m wide; 1.22m deep) measuring approximately 724m in overall length to carry 3 no. 110mm power ducts and 2 no. communication ducts, connecting the proposed substation to an existing 38kv ESB substation at Campile. The typical trefoil trench will need to be adapted to a flat formation to accommodate for any service crossings encountered along the route. A typical width of trench for a flat formation trench would be approx 1.15m with varying depths. Ancillary development consists of a 5.00m wide access road off an existing access road to the Greenlink convertor station; levelling of site to create 2 no. platforms at +16.00m and +12.00m ASL; retaining wall to facilitate reduction of site levels along southern and south-western boundaries; an earthen bund on the north and eastern boundaries and all other associated works, including landscaping proposals. A temporary construction compound would be constructed within the site boundary for construction phase of the development, after which it would be removed.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Wexford Granted permission on 16th February 2024 take the free trial here.

Great Island

Plans Granted

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