Newkey Homes (Kilmartin) Limited intends to make a planning application for planning permission to amend the car park layout permitted under P.A. Ref. FW22A/0169 that provided for a total of 157 no. spaces for the Kilmartin Neighbourhood Centre on local centre lands to the north of the Tyrellstown Plaza Local Centre, east of Bellgree housing development and west of Hollywood Road, Hollywoodrath, Dublin 15. The amended car park layout arises from the site specific requirements of the proposed anchor-occupier of the development combined with the requirements of condition 13 of permission FW22A/0169 that requires the submission of a revised parking layout to include motorcycle parking spaces, Age Friendly parking spaces, EV and accessible car parking spaces. The amendments required result in revisions to the direction of circulation aisles, footpaths and pedestrian circulation routes, the positioning and orientation of the parking spaces (family and age friendly parking, accessible parking), ‘click and collect’ bays, the introduction of motorcycle parking (15 spaces) and all associated site development works including the relocation of permitted cycle parking spaces within the car park. The proposed amendments result in a reduction in the total number of car parking spaces from 157 to 152. The number of cycle parking spaces remains unchanged.
To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Dublin Granted permission on 11th September 2024 take the free trial here.