Permission for continued use of the previously permitted developments under P. Reg. Ref. No’s. 01/1018 (PL17.127391); 95/1416 (PL17.099325) and 91/970 (PL17.089787) to include the existing quarry, drilling, blasting, crushing and screening of rock and related ancillary buildings and facilities;
Permission for continued use of the previously permitted developments under P. Reg. Ref. No. TA/120923 consisting of a discharge water treatment facility comprising two lagoons (30m x 13m), an oil interceptor, a reed bed (27m x 10m) and a concrete canal with V notch weir;
Permission for a small lateral extension of c.0.9 hectares from the existing quarry area of c.9.7 hectares as permitted under P. Ref. 01/1018 (PL17.127391) to give an overall extraction footprint of c.10.6 hectares;
Permission for the deepening of the overall extraction area (c.10.6 hectares) by 2 no. 15m benches to a final depth of c.45m AOD from the current quarry floor level of c.75m AOD as permitted under P. Ref. P. Ref. 01/1018 (PL17.127391);
Permission for a proposed new rock milling plant to be enclosed within a steel-clad building (c.575Msq with roof height of 22.5m and exhaust stack height of 28.2m);
Replacement of existing septic tank with a new wastewater treatment system and constructed percolation area;
Restoration of the site to a beneficial ecological after-use; and
All associated site works within an overall application area of 31.1 hectares. The proposed operational period is for 20 years plus 2 years to complete restoration (total duration sought 22 years).
To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Meath Applied for on 1st March 2024 take the free trial here.