The development will consist of the following:
1. Construction of a new pumping station to transfer flows to the new treatment stream.
2. Construction of a flow splitting.
3. Construction of a new dual cell aeration tank including dual anoxic zones.
4. Construction of 2 No. new final settlement tanks.
5. Construction of both waste activated sludge (WAS) and return activated sludge (RAS) pumping stations.
6. Installation of ferric sulphate dosing system including bunded chemical storage tank.
7. Construction of a control kiosk.
8. Construction of a new sludge holding tank.
9. Solar PV panel installation capable of a maximum power generation of 10% of WwTP power requirements
10. Construction of new influent & effluent site pipework to & from the proposed infrastructure.
11. Extension of the existing site roads to the proposed infrastructure.
12. Construction of a new flood protection wall. This wall is to be constructed within the site boundary to a level of 300mm above the 0.1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) (1-in-1000 year) flood level.
13. Site Landscaping & finishes.

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Meath Applied for on 15th July 2024 take the free trial here.

Longwood Waste Water Treatment Plant

Plans Applied

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