for the development consisting of:
• A c. 820m section of a parallel railway track (passing loop) to facilitate passing trains and 1 no. rail buffer;
• A railway platform c. 185.5m in length and a minimum of 4m in width, with associated infrastructure including, access ramp, stairs, lift, passenger shelters, ticket vending machines, ticket validator poles, information display and wayfinding;
• A pedestrian and cyclist underpass c. 10m in length and c. 6m wide to connect the existing and proposed platforms;
• Alterations to existing underbridge (UBG164);
• Signalling, electrification and telecommunication compound (maximum c. 3.4m in height) to accommodate a generator building (c. 20sqm), an electrical building (c. 26sqm) and a fuel storage room (c. 6sqm);
• 3 no. advertising stands (c. 5.4sqm in total); and
• All associated ancillary works including track drainage and fencing, removal and reinstatement of boundary walls, gated accesses, embankment widening, temporary construction compound, signage, lighting, landscaping and all site works.
A planning application for a section of the parallel railway track (passing loop) to facilitate passing trains and associated works located in Galway City Council administrative area is being made to Galway City Council concurrently with this planning application. This application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement. Gross floor space of proposed works: 52.00 sqm
To find out more details on this Transport Development in Galway Applied for on 26th September 2024 take the free trial here.