Works on the Kilkenny Road (R-448) in Carlow Town intend to provide high-quality pedestrian and cycle infrastructure and traffic calming measures, consisting of the following: – Site clearance of existing road verge, – Construction of approximately 300m of 2-Way Cycle Tracks, – Upgrading of circa 300m of Footpaths, – Provision of 2 No. controlled Pedestrian/Toucan crossings at a signal controlled junction and new entrance to the SETU campus, – Upgraded Public Lighting, – Ancillary drainage and landscaping works. Depending on Funding availability and programming performance on this currently tendered Phase, the contracting authority may extend the scope of these services for additional cycling infrastructure over a similar distance north of these proposed works. This would be on the basis of tendered rates being in line with those currently tendered or varied as permissible by contract.

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Kilkenny Road (R-448)


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