Erect 90,908m2 of photovoltaic panels on a ground mounted system. The development will comprise of an 11.00 MWp solar PV farm on 18.71 hectares of land located to the east of the existing Nutricia Infant Nutrition Limited Factory with all associates site works. The electricity generated will be used by the Nutricia Infant Limited site, which currently operates under an IPPC License issued by the Environmental Protection Agency Reg. No. P0792-02 and an IED Licence issued by the Environmental Protection Agency Reg. No. IE-GHG140-1041-4. The development will comprise of photovoltaic panels with ground mounted frames together with all ancillary cabling and electrical infrastructure; 1 no. transformer cabin; 1 no. spare parts cabin; using all temporary ways, temporary construction compound/set-down area and boundary security fencing included on the application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 16th May 2024 take the free trial here.

Nutricia Infant Nutrition Limited Factory

Plans Granted

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