06 Mar 2024 An Bord Pleanala grants permission with conditions
For development of a wind farm in the townlands of Fahy Beg, Fahy More North, Ballymoloney, Ballyknavin (Ed O’Briensbridge), Balllyquin More, Woodpark and Leitrim, Co Clare together with the development of an underground grid connection cable to the national grid. The underground grid connection is located primarily within the public road within the townlands of Leitrim, Fahy More South, Ballybrack, Aharinaghmore, Tooreen (Ed Cloghera) Aharinaghbeg, Knockdonagh, Roo East, Blackwater, Rosmadda West, Parkroe, Lackyle (Ed Ballyglass) and Castlebank, Co Clare. Temporary accommodation works to facilitate the delivery of wind turbine components to the site will be required in the townland of Ardataggle, Co Clare. The development will consist of: Construction of 8 no. wind turbines with a blade tip height range from 169m to 176.5m, a hub height range from 102.5m to 110m and a rotor diameter range from 131m to 138m; Erection of 1 no. permanent meteorological mast to a height of 100m above ground level; Construction of 1 no. onsite 38kV electrical substation to ESB Networks (ESBN) specifications and associated compound including Welfare facilities, Electrical infrastructure, Parking, Wastewater holding tank, Rainwater harvesting tank, Security fencing and all associated infrastructure, services and site works including landscaping in the townland of Woodpark; Installation of medium voltage electrical and communication cabling underground between the proposed turbines and the proposed on-site substation and associated ancillary works; Construction of turbine foundations and crane pad hardstanding area; Construction of new site tracks and associated drainage infrastructure; Upgrading of existing tracks and associated drainage infrastructure where necessary; Access to the proposed wind farm site will be from the R466 local road and will consist of the use of an existing quarry entrance in the townland of Leitrim which will be upgraded, as well as the creation of 1 no. new.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Clare Granted permission on 6th March 2024 take the free trial here.