Permission is sought for a battery energy storage system which will comprise of up to 15 no, BESS units comprising of battery cells within modules stored in ranks on concrete basses and ancillary equipment (4 no. BESS containers within each BESS unit); an individual unit transformer at each BESS unit with some additional ancillary equipment, a transformer compound, control building (including control room and switch room), interface kiosk and all associated electrical infrastructure equipment and works, attenuation drainage pond to southeast of the BESS site), upgrade of existing vehicular access to local road and all associated internal access tracks, 2.4 metre high chain link fencing and associated landscaping along the perimeter of the development, 2.4m metre high palisade fencing along the perimeter of the transformer compound, associated electrical underground cabling and ducting works facilitating the connection of the proposed site to the Ballyvouskill transmission station, all associated site development, lighting, landscaping, CCTV, security fencing, boundary treatment works above and below ground and all associated ancillary infrastructure.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Applied for on 11th October 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Applied

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