Permission is sought for Island Stability Services Limited are applying for a 10 year planning permission to develop a low carbon inertia services (LCIA) grid support facility, which will connect to the adjoining ESB Knockraha 220kV Electricity Substation. The proposed development will have a projected life span of 50 years. The development is to be located within a site compound c. 2.2 ha and will consist of the following elements: The development and operation of a 150 to 500 MVA (electrical rating) synchronous condenser. Compound building housing synchronous condenser generator and flywheel (c.512m2 c.12m high); Customer substation (c.250m2 c.7m high) and TSO substation (c.375m2 c.9m high), Cooling equipment, 6 No. modular containers to house electrical and control equipment, generator step-up transformer, auxiliary transformer and electrical plant including an external circuit breaker; 1 no. firefighting water tank and pump, boundary fencing (c.3m high) and CCTV, connection to the neighbouring ESB Substation and all other ancillary site works including access roads.

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Plans Refused

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