We, Inchamore Wind Designated Activity Company, intend to apply for permission for a ten-year planning permission for a renewable energy development. The entirety of the renewable energy development constitutes the provision of a five-turbine wind farm and all associated works on land in both Counties Cork and Kerry. The development for will consist of : 1) a wind farm with an operational lifespan of 35 years (from date of commissioning of the development), 2) the construction of five turbines with an overall ground to blade tip height ranging from 177m to 185m inclusive; a rotor diameter ranging of 149m to 155m inclusive; and a hub height ranging from 102.5m to 110.5m inclusive, 3)construction of permanent turbine hardstands and turbine foundations, 4) Construction of one temporary construction compound with associated temporary site offices, parking areas and security fencing. 5) installation of a (35-year life cycle) meteorological mast with a height of 110m and a 4m lightning pole on top, such that the overall structure will be 114m, 6) development of an on-site borrow pit, 7) construction of a new permanent internal site access roads to include passing bays and all associated drainage infrastructure. 8) development of a permanent internal site drainage network and sediment control systems. 9) construction of a permanent 38 kV electrical substation including a control building with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and equipment, parking security fencing and gates, all associated underground cabling, wastewater holding tank, and all ancillary structures and works, 10) all associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the wind turbines to the on-site wind farm substation, 11) ancillary forestry felling to facilitate construction of the development, 12) all associated site development works including berms, landscaping, and soil excavation. Advisory note: A planning application is being lodged with Kerry County Council i
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork take the free trial here.