A 10-year permission and 40-year operation period for a solar farm and underground grind connection within an overall site area of 61.08 hectares. The solar farm consists of 330,200 square meters of solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted steel frames; onsite electrical substation; electrical skids (containing inverters, transformers and switchgear); under ground power and communication cables and ducts; boundary security fencing; new internal access tracks and associated drainage infrastructure; new site entrance to the L6965 local road; 10 no. CCTV/lightning posts and all associated site services and works. The development also includes underground grid connection, which is to be installed primarily within the L6965, L2951 and L2963 public roads, this includes the installation of 3 no. underground medium voltage electrical cables, 1 no. fibre communication cable, 2 no. joint bays and associated infrastructure to allow communications and connection between the proposed 38kV on-site substation and the Kilbarry 110kV substation, blackpool, cork city. The total length of the cable is c.4,449m of which c.2,021m will be within the jurisdiction of cork county council and c.2,428m within the jurisdiction of cork city council. A concurrent planning application will be lodged with cork city council for the remainder of the underground cable along the public roads to allow connection to the kilbarry 110kV substation in Blackpool, Cork City under section 34 of the planning and development act 2000 (PDA)(as Amended).

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 2nd January 2024 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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