Construction of a new 220 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) building (83.5m long x 18.5m wide (25.1m including staircases), 17m in height) (1,637 sqm); construction of a new 110kV GIS building (68.8m long x 15.4m wide (22m including staircases), 15m in height) (1,138 sqm); both of the GIS Buildings will have 8 no. associated lightning protection spikes / rods on each of the roofs (3m in height); construction of 4 no. 220/110kV power transformers to include connections to the new GIS buildings; 2 no. 220kV and 1 no. 110kV line/cable interface towers and associated removal of 3 no. existing end masts and overhead line and cable works; 3 no. lightning masts (height 22m); cable connections to the 220kV GIS and 110kV buildings; new 4.5m wide internal access road and 10 no. new permanent car parking spaces; associated site excavation, infrastructural and site development works, and above and below ground boundary treatment and landscaping including palisade fencing (2.6m height), lighting and surface water drainage and foul water tank; associated demolition of existing bungalow farmhouse and agricultural buildings (1,112sqm floorspace total) to facilitate the proposed development; and all ancillary and associated temporary works to facilitate the development at the construction stage, including construction access track, temporary construction compound / site laydown areas and cable connection for the existing Derryiron-Maynooth 110kV overhead line. Planning permission is sought for a period of 10 years. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Kildare Granted permission on 15th August 2024 take the free trial here.