Intend to apply for permission for a period of 10 years for a development at this site situated in the townlands of Acragar, Ballyconra, Ballycuddihy, Ballyroe, Ballyroe (Grace), Ballyroe (Maher), Baunaniska, Boherkyle, Briskalagh, Brittas, Clone, Coolnapisha, Curraghduff, Freshford, Freshford Lots, Graigueswood, Grange, Huntstown, Kilmanagh, Knockeenglass, Knockown, Moatpark, Monabrika, Monavadaroe, Moneenaun, Oldtown, Oldtownhill, Parksgrove, Picketstown, Rathealy, Sart, Sweethill, Tobernapeastia, Tullaroan, Upperwood Demesne, Co. Kilkenny. The development will consist of the provision of the following:
i .7 no. wind turbines with an overall turbine tip height of 185 metres a rotor blade diameter of 163 metres and hub height of 103.5 metres, and associated foundations and hard-standing areas
ii. A permanent 38kV substation compound (control building with welfare facilities, all associated electrical plant and apparatus, security fencing, underground cabling, storage containers, wastewater holding tank, site drainage and all ancillary works)
iii. Permanent underground electrical (38kV) and communications cabling to the existing Ballyragget 110kV substation in the townland of Moatpark (including joint bays, communication and earth sheath link chambers and all ancillary works along the route). This cabling route is primarily located within the public road corridor which includes a Protected Structure (Kilkenny RPS Ref. C886)
iv. Underground electrical (33kV) and communications cabling connecting the wind turbines and meteorological mast to the on-site substation
v. 3 no. temporary construction compounds (including site offices and welfare facilities)
vi. A meteorological mast with a height of 30 metres, security fencing and associated foundation and hard-standing area
vii. A new temporary site entrance on the L1009
viii. A new gated site entrance on the L5024
ix. Upgrade of existing site tracks or roads and provision of new site access roads, junctions and hardstand areas
x. A borrow pit xi. Spoil Management
xii. Tree felling and hedgerow removal
xiii. Biodiversity Management and Enhancement Plan measures (including establishment of a riparian buffer and hedgerow enhancement)
xiv. Site Drainage
xv. Operational Stage site signage and
xvi. All ancillary works and apparatus. A thirty five-year operational life from the date of full commissioning of the wind turbines and subsequent decommissioning of the wind turbines is being sought. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompany this application.

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Upperwood Demesne

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