Kilderry Solar Farm Ltd. seeks a 10 year planning permission with an operational lifetime of 40 years from the date of commissioning for the development of a ground mounted solar array as well as national grid connection and all ancillary works in the townland of Kilderry, and adjoining townlands of and adjoining town lands of Scart, Ballynamona, Rathgarvan (or Clifden), Churchclara, Clarabricken, Clara Upper, Clara, Kilmagar, Feathallagh and Ballysallagh, Co. Kilkenny.
The proposed development comprises the following:
i. Up to 200,000 sq.m of solar PV panels up to 2.6m in height mounted on metal frames complete with c. 370 string inverters mounted to the rear of the panels;
ii. Up to 16 no. Transformer Stations;
iii. 38kV Substation compound including 1 no. customer control room (29.25 sq.m), 1 no. ESB control room(22.75 sq.m.) 1 no. switch gear room (29.25 sq.m.) and 1 no. spare room (21.55 sq.m.), 1 no. 38kV cable bay, 1 no. lightning mast (18m in height), 1 no. telecoms pole (11m in height), perimeter palisade fencing (2.6m in height), 7 no. lighting poles (c.3.2m in height) and associated electrical infrastructure;
iv. Proposed new entrance from the Johnswell Road (L2616-9) for construction and operational access to the site;
v. 2 no. temporary construction compounds for the duration of the construction phase of the project;
vi. Internal tracks, site landscaping and drainage works, internal site cabling, security fencing, CCTV and all associated ancillary site development works;
vii. National grid connection in the form of an underground 38 kV electrical cable (c. 8.5km in length located in the public road) from the proposed 38kV substation to the existing Kilkenny 110kV substation via the townlands of Scart, Ballynamona, Rathgarvan (or Clifden), Churchclara, Clarabricken, Clara Upper, Clara, Kilmagar, Feathallagh, Ballysallagh and Kilderry.
The planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 12th September 2024 take the free trial here.