The development that will consist of the following works:
(a) Demolition and removal of existing build on-site.
(b) The construction of a new open cycle Turbine Power Generation Station with an output of up to 299 Megawatts. The proposed station will consist of 1 no. Gas Turbine and 1 no. 44 m high Exhaust Stack, 1no. AIS Substation and associated lighting column, 1 no. single storey Packaged Electronic or Electrical Control Compartment, 1 no. single storey Continuous Emission Monitoring System Shelter, Associated Fin Fan Coolers, 1no. Storage and Warehouse building, 1no. HVO fuel storage tank, 1no. dimineralised water storage tank, 1no raw or fire water storage tank, 1no. fire pump house, 2no. demineralised water treatment trailers.
(c) The construction of an internal road network providing for access to serve the development.
(d) Provision of hard and soft landscaping works, tree planting and boundary treatments including parking, perimeter fencing.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Limerick take the free trial here.