A ten year permission and 35 year operation life for a solar farm described herein. The total site area for the proposed development is 188.9 hectares consisting of the following: solar photovoltaic panels on ground mounted steel frames and associated hard standing, inverter/transformer stations, underground power and communication cables and ducts, boundary security fence, CCTV cameras, upgraded internal access tracks, new internal access tracks, 2 no. new site entrances along the L5608 local road, underground electrical and communications cabling for approximately 700m along the L5608 local road and all associated services and development works including drainage infrastructure, temporary construction compound and landscaing. As part of a separate Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) application for consent, consent will be sought fo rthe provision of a 110kV onsite electrical substation and associated works from An Bord Pleanala. This planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Meath Granted permission on 25th July 2024 take the free trial here.

Townlands Of Rathdrinagh Sicily

Plans Granted

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