Erection of 480MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Station comprised of turbine hall/heat recovery steam generator building with 50m exhaust stack, air cooled condenser, 2 storey administration building, 2 storey workshop building, gas insulated substation, gas compressor station, gas pressure reduction station, associated water and fuel tanks and other associated infrastructure and ancillary development including provision of site access and road works to facilitate extension to pedestrian footways and delineation of a right hand turn lane. Construction of new Above Ground Installation (AGI) at Kinnegar Army Barracks and new underground pipeline along Airport Road West, Esplanade Road with option of also following Heron/Moscow Road and which will connect the Power Station Site to the existing gas transmission infrastructure at Kinnegar Barracks.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Belfast Granted permission on 4th April 2019 take the free trial here.