10-year permission. The development will consist of the construction of (i) A Solar PV development comprising photovoltaic panels laid out in arrays over a total development site area of ca. 91.2ha
(ii) The construction of a 38kV substation building ((6.1m (h) x 20.9 (l) and 7.3 (w)) and associated compound area, a transformer unit (ca. 6m x ca. 3.6m) and associated bund
(iii) 352 Number Battery Energy Storage System units comprising 22 modules (ca. 21.9m x ca.5.2m) each with 16 number cabinet units within each module and
(iv) All ancillary development including 15 number transformer integrated units (ca. 10.5m x ca.2.7m), 12 number inverter units (ca. 6.0m x ca.2.4m), 7 number CCTV cameras mounted on 4m high poles, a 3m high acoustic barrier, with berm and fencing, perimeter security fencing, site access, site egress and all ancillary works and services. The development will have a 40-year operational lifetime. Permission currently exists for a PV development on ca/65.6ha of the site (Planning Permission Ref No. 21/23) that will be superseded by this application if approved.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Carlow Granted permission on 22nd August 2024 take the free trial here.