The proposed Public Realm Improvement Works to Market Square, Kildare Town comprises an area of c. 6540m2 and incorporates the public areas both North and South of Bride Street (R415), Church Lane (known as Firecastle Lane) extending Westward to Heffernan’s Lane and the pedestrian laneway to Nugent Street carpark (rear of Top Nolans). The proposed works will affect/enhance the character of the Kildare Town Architectural Conservation Area and the Protected Structures located within the project area.

The proposed works comprise the following:

Adjustments to the road network and parking arrangements.
Re-grading Market Square, North of Bride Street, Bride Street and the Eastern roadway whereby kerbs are removed to bring the surface of the public realm to top of existing kerb levels.
Re-grading the entrance area to Market House (RPS B22-42) to provide level access.
Upgrading footpath surfaces throughout site area using high quality natural stone.
Widening and revision of the footpath layouts along Dublin Street.
Introduction of bollards to manage vehicular access at Church Lane (Firecastle Lane) and Market Square East.
Repositioning of the Bus Shelter on the North side of Dublin Street to improve pedestrian movement and access around Market House.
Consolidation of wayfinding and signage throughout the site area.
Introduction of hard and soft landscaping (including 8no. additional street trees) throughout Market Square.
Introduction of bespoke street furniture, seating, lighting and bicycle parking.
Provision of 6no. Pedestrian crossings (1no. controlled and 5no. uncontrolled) and widening of existing 3no. controlled crossings.
Removal of overhead cables and services and relocation underground.
Upgrading of carriageways, signage, road markings and drainage works including implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems.
Provision of all utilities, necessary services and associated site works

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Kildare Applied for on 17th January 2024 take the free trial here.

Market Square

Plans Applied

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