Development of a new sewerage pumping station, rising main and gravity sewer consisting of
(A) Typical underground storage chamber/tank
(B) Above ground control kiosk, motor control centre (mcc) kiosk, & wash water kiosk
(C) Telemetry pole (maximum 6m in height)
(D) Perimeter paladin fencing (2. 4m in height)
(E) Access road (4m wide) and internal vehicular turning area
(F) Wet well chamber (27m&#179)
(G) Passive activated carbon filters over the wet well chamber for ventilation
(H) Rising main (approximately 160m in length)
(I) Inlet sewer
(J) Emergency storage and overflow, including a new headwall at st. Johnston stream
(K) Inlet, wet well, valve chambers, and meter chamber
(L) Lighting and welfare facilities. The planning application is accompanied by a natura impact statement (nis).

To find out more details on this Water & Sewerage Development in Donegal Granted permission on 12th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Main Street

Plans Granted

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