14 Dec 2023 An Bord Pleanala grants permission with conditions

The development will consist of:
(1) An application area of c. 39.5 hectares.
(2) Continued use on lands measuring c. 28.1 hectares of the existing permitted developments under plan refs. 17/1344 (ABP PL09.302526); 06/651 (and 17/188) consisting of Processing of sand and gravel that includes crushing, washing (with associated silt disposal lagoons) and screening and all related ancillary works and structures; Site facilities consisting of prefabricated offices, WC and wastewater treatment and percolation area, canteen and cloakroom, ESB substation and switch house, concrete laboratory, bunded fuel tanks, and water recycling bays, weighbridge and wheel wash granted under plan ref. 06/651.
(3) Continued use of the existing ready mix concrete batching plant originally granted under plan refs. 94/1109 and 90/52; and sand and gravel workings, with associated plant and facilities originally granted under plan refs. 94/1109 and 89/150.
(4) The proposed development will also consist of an extension (c. 11.4 hectares) to the existing permitted site with the extraction of sand and gravel over an area of c. 10.8 hectares and processing taking place at the existing processing plant within the existing permitted development areas of plan refs. 17/1344 and 06/651 with the provision of a screening berm surrounding the proposed extension area.
(5) Restoration of the entire site to a combination of agricultural and nature conservation areas.
(6) The proposed operational period is for 8 years plus 2 years to complete restoration (total duration sought 10 years). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of this planning application at this site.

To find out more details on this Quarry Development in Kildare Granted permission on 14th December 2023 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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