The demolition of existing disused buildings and the development of a dimension stone quarry with a projected lifetime of c. 14 years (12 ? 13 years operational with an additional 1-year to allow for the implementation of a restoration plan) at this site of c. 9.34 hectares at Bannagagole, Old Leighlin, Co. Carlow.
The proposed quarry void (c. 2.44 ha) will be extracted to a depth of 2 no. benches of c. 10m from top of bedrock, with a final floor level of c. 56.5m AOD with a proposed rate of rock extraction of c.30,000 cubic metres (84,000 tonnes) per annum. A proposed working area of c. 1.2 hectares to the south of the extraction zone will provide for the crushing / processing of unusable stone and temporary storage of dimensional stone and will include machinery storage shed (c. 115m²), staff welfare (c. 45.7 m²) , wastewater holding tank, weighbridge & Office (c. 14m²) and staff car parking area.
The proposed development will also include for earthen screening berms to a height of c. 3 m, a wheelwash facility; Installation of surface water attenuation and settlement ponds for the treatment of suspended solids in the floor of the quarry void; soil storage area with an average storage depth of c. 4 m and all other site development works above and below ground including the restoration of the final quarry void (extractive area). Access to the proposed development will be facilitated by a HGV site entrance from the L3036 at the eastern boundary of the proposed site. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted
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